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Parallax Backgrounds, Onscroll Animations, 800+ Icons, Retina Ready,
4 Slider Options, Premium Plugins, One Page and Multi Page Layouts
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About Us

Astonish is a multi-purpose theme that can be used for a wide variety of uses. It has clean lines and a unique design that is sure to catch every visitors eye!

Fully Customizable

Built on the Bootstrap 3 framework. Fully commented and clean code. Valid HTML5 and CSS3.

Customer Support

We support our products 100%. If you need help, give us a shout. We want you to be 100% happy with your purchase.

Retina Ready

Astonish is primarily build using font icons and CSS3 techniques which means the site is 100% retina ready.

Over 800+ Icons

Astonish takes advantage of two excellent font icon resources. FontAwesome provides over 350+ icons and Icomoon provides over 450+ icons.

Unlimited Color Options

For a quick demonstration try out the color option menu. Astonish comes with 10 pre-made color styles but you can make it look however you want.

Easily Build Your Site

Astonish is built in sections so you can easily add and remove sections to quickly build your site the way you want.


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Our Features

Astonish has so many incredible features that will make your site stand out above all the rest. Check them out now below.

100% Responsive

Astonish is 100% responsive which means it looks incredible on every screensize and device.

New Animation Engine

We've built a custom jQuery script so you can easily add animations to your site.

Multiple Sliders

We've included a parallax slider, revolution slider, owl slider and bootstrap 3 carousel.

One Page and Multi Page

Astonish comes in a one page scrolling layout or a traditional multiple page layout.

View all of our Astonishing features on the shortcodes page

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View the incredible mountains of Switzerland

Praesent augue arcu, ornare ut tincidunt eu, mattis a libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas...

by CreativelyCoded | 23 May 2023

The vibrantly colorful frogs of Costa Rica

Praesent augue arcu, ornare ut tincidunt eu, mattis a libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas...

by CreativelyCoded | 23 May 2023

Travel on an exciting adventure to China

Praesent augue arcu, ornare ut tincidunt eu, mattis a libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas...

by CreativelyCoded | 23 May 2023

If you have to drive, cruise in style

Praesent augue arcu, ornare ut tincidunt eu, mattis a libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas...

by CreativelyCoded | 23 May 2023
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